
thermondo Developer Handbook

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No merge-commits in the master/main branch. So don’t use the merge-button in GitHub, this one often creates merge-commits. Instead, use either the “squash and merge” or the “rebase and merge” option in GitHub.

We want to have a nice history and be able to use git bisect when needed.

When using the “squash and merge” option make sure to keep the reference to the pull request number in the commit message. Example:

Add beautiful feature (#1234)

If the pull request implements a feature from a JIRA story, begin your commit message for the squashed commit with the story reference. Example:

PROJ-123: Add beautiful feature (#1234)

In this case the referenced story will be closed automatically if the GitHub/JIRA automation has been set up.

When multiple people have worked on one branch and you don’t want to lose that information when merging to master/main, then use GitHub’s co-author feature by adding the information to the commit message, e.g.:

Co-authored-by: John Doe <>