
thermondo Developer Handbook

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Feedback is shared in a couple different ways at thermondo. The two main methods are the biannual 1on1 feedback talks as well as 360-degree feedback.

1on1 feedback

1on1 (one on one) feedback talks are between an employee and their manager. They are conducted biannually and primarily serve the employee’s professional and personal growth. Feedback about specific positive or negative actions should be shared immediately in on-demand sessions. The biannual 1on1 is meant for discussing general strengths and weaknesses.

There are four main points covered in 1on1 talks:

1on1 preparation

The following guide consists of four steps:

  1. Formulate the employee’s aspirations for the future.
  2. Reflect on the employee, employer and current situation.
  3. Determine what support is required to reach these objectives.
  4. Define a roadmap with proper timeline and milestones.

The roadmap is not set in stone and can be altered at any time if both employee and employer see it fit.

This is not a test, you can get an A for effort :P Take your time and if you are stuck, ask for help and discuss matters with whomever you want :)

Goals & Aspirations

Describe your two to five year career goals. Where you want to be, what do want to do there?

Don’t hold back, don’t limit yourself, be honest. It’s your career, there are no wrong answers. If you have difficulties, try writing down 3 people you admire. Next write down 3 attributes about why you admire them. Finally rank those attributes by importance. They should give a rough idea about what you want to achieve.

Questions that might help:


Describe your current work and life situation. Reflect on the past year, the changes you have gone through, the achievements you have made and your failures.

Questions that might help:


Feedback is key to personal development. It can have a strong influence on your daily work life. Good feedback is kind and honest. If you want to give someone a chance to grow, you can not avoid difficult conversations just to be nice. Nice is not kind. Furthermore honest feedback gives you a chance to build up trust with the person you are giving it to. The 1on1 session is an opportunity for you to exchange this kind of feedback with your manager. Try to be specific. Find an example for each positive or constructive point you want to make. You can use the following a template: Setting – Action – Impact Example: In this situation, you did that and it had this impact.

Questions that might help:

Needed Tools & Support

List the tools you will need from your employer and skills that you need to learn to achieve your goals.
