thermondo Developer Handbook
We believe in a healthy mix of working from home and being in the office.
As of now we do not require you to come to the office. When working on site is possible again, we want to follow a 2/5 model. This would require you to be on site 2 out of 5 days. For the remaining days, you are free to choose to work from home or from the office.
INFO: New developments in the COVID-19 crisis might change the model we are following.
We trust you in managing your own work time and that you will work the agreed hours.
We have core working times, where you are expected to be available, to allow your colleagues to invite you to meetings or simply come to your desk to talk to you in person. The core working times are from 10:00 to 16:00. Please configure your normal working-time to your calendar that everyone can schedule meetings and see if you are available or not. Furthermore, if you have to leave earlier on a certain weekday, create a blocker entry in the calendar. Please try to arrange doctor’s appointments, deliveries, etc. around your working hours, or do a full home-office day. In any case, always create a calendar entry to be transparent and ease communication with your fellow colleagues.
Around the core office hours, so in the morning and the evening, you are flexible. Exceptions may exist for on-call personnel like sysadmins, please clarify with your team lead if you are uncertain.
If you do a home office day, it should be as if you were in the office. Which means you are on Slack and are reachable on your phone for your peers (please share your number with them). If you have external appointments during home office (doctor, deliveries, …) please put them in your calendar.
Home office days are always full days not half days. Should you take a home office day, please put in in Personio as Mobile Office.
We expect you take part in all meetings remotely.
As an engineer at thermondo you have an education budget. We believe conferences to be one of the best ways to learn new things and also build a strong network.
Should you plan to participate in a conference make sure to:
as early as possible.
Basic organizational requirements also apply here. Please request time off as
(en: training) in Personio. Also, put the dates in your
calendar and cancel/move meetings you have planned.
Our CTO is managing the education budget. The CTO will answer your questions about money and how to pay for things. And again, don’t forget to ask your peers if they want to join.
Everyone gets sick now and then and that’s OK. If you feel sick in the morning, do a sick day. We would rather have someone out for one day than only half fit for weeks. Please directly add the sick day to Personio together with the expected duration. No need to tell anyone else, your manager will take care. Meetings should be actively canceled by someone, the manager or a teammate can help with that. For the rest of the company, an out-of-office message should be configured in Gmail. A sick day means sick. You should be offline and not do any work. For sicknesses of three days or longer a sick note by a medical doctor is required. A sick note consists of two letters one for your employer one for your insurance. Please upload the copy for your employer to Personio.
Everyone at thermondo has 30 days of paid leave in addition to paid sick and educational leave. Ideally, you apply for vacation at least 4 weeks in advance to give your line manager time to plan accordingly. Before you apply, talk to your team and team lead to find a substitute for the time you are on vacation. If there is no possible substitute stakeholders have to be informed. You can apply for vacation via Personio. Please also configure an out-of-office message in Gmail during your absence. The message should include your substitute. Make sure to hand over important information or open work to your substitute before you leave.
Don’t read emails or Slack. For extreme emergency situations please provide your team lead with methods to reach you.